
Genesis 6:1-9

Let’s simplify the common definition of grace to unmerited favour



Does anyone Deserve God’s Unmerited Favour?


Did Noah live such a perfect life that he deserved to be spared?  Look at his life after just getting off of the ark


Lot is another example of finding grace (unmerited)




God notices you and wants to give grace [help] (vv. 8, 9)


Found grace – had an encounter, acquired, attained



So, in the context Noah is being contrasted (vv. 1-7)




?   So,S if it wasn’t for what they did, then how did Noah and Lot “find grace in the eyes of the Lord”?




We, too, don’t deserve God’s grace, but can receive God’s grace because God is graciousGod wants to give grace.  God wants to empower your life.